A natural teacher and creative leader | Natural Hazards Research Australia

A natural teacher and creative leader

Release date

28 September 2022

A natural teacher, a creative imagination, a supportive leader - John Bates is all this and more according to those who know him best.

John’s last day working at Natural Hazards Research Australia is Friday 30 September and a function this week for staff and colleagues provided a wonderful opportunity to say thank you and goodbye.

As the Research Strategy Director for both the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC and then the Natural Hazards Research Australia, John’s impact has been immense. Prior to joining the CRC in 2017, John was the founding Director of the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, and has had an extensive career in business development and research utilisation in academic organisations.

John’s contributions to the establishment of the Centre were well acknowledged by the CEO Andrew Gissing and the former CEO Dr Richard Thornton. He led the process that culminated in the foundation documents including the National Research Priorities, 10-Year Research Strategy and the Biennial Research Plan. These formed the basis of all the research projects that followed and the projects that are now in development.

Node Manager Loriana Bethune spoke for many when she described her time with John over the years.

“John is a natural teacher - he is always patient and gentle, always happy to listen without judgement and help you develop ideas in the path that we wanted. He has a tremendous creative imagination that looks at solutions beyond the immediate challenge and what was on the horizon. The Centre, the sector, Australia is just that little bit different because of John’s contribution.

“On a personal note, John was so supportive to me as a mother new to the job and juggling close to full-time work. I was completely comfortable putting Joey first; it was a pleasant surprise as many other women I know in similar situations didn’t have that luxury. But that was John, and he could be hugely supportive and kind, no matter what your circumstance, he was always ready to listen.”

As an active SES volunteer, John was an occasional sight in orange PPE around the office. His volunteer commitments are set to increase in the short term as he considers new career options.

Dr John Bates, pictured here at his farewell with the Centre Research team.

Dr John Bates farewell - Research Team