Submitting a project idea
Project concepts are formally considered for funding twice a year, as a part of the Centre’s ongoing research plan. The current round of research investment opened 29 July 2024 and closes 13 September 2024.
Project concepts are formally considered for funding twice a year, as a part of the Centre’s ongoing research plan. The current round of research investment opened 29 July 2024 and closes 13 September 2024.
Project concepts are formally considered for funding twice a year, as a part of the Natural Hazards Research Australia’s ongoing research plan. The current round of research investment opens 29 July 2024 and closes 13 September 2024.
The Centre welcomes submissions of project ideas for potential inclusion in our research program. Ideas can be for short-, medium- or long-term projects. Only research that can be effectively translated and implemented by end-user organisations will be funded.
Any new research accepted will contribute to the Centre's ongoing research portfolio and will be guided by the rolling Biennial Research Plan. These plans are reviewed annually to make sure the Centre is responding to new knowledge needs.
Project concepts are formally considered for funding twice a year, as a part of the Centre’s ongoing research plan.
The current round of research investment is now open.
The following table outlines key dates for this current round:
Date | Activity |
29 July 2024 | Submissions open |
23 August 2024, 5:00pm AEST | Final date to seek Centre feedback on draft concepts |
13 September 2024, 5:00pm AEST | Submissions close |
December 2024 | Submitting organisations notified of outcome |
The Centre reserves the right to make changes to these timeframes as processes evolve.
There will be a further round of concept submissions in the first quarter of 2025.
Research concepts must be submitted by representatives of one of the Centre’s Participants: organisations or entities that have been contracted through a Participant Agreement with the Centre. See the project concept form below for a list of Participant organisations.
The Centre encourages submitting Participants to build collaborations with other organisations across multiple states and territories to demonstrate the national significance of the concept.
Note: The Centre does not accept project concepts from research organisations.
Non-Participant organisations should contact the Centre about becoming a Participant or to access the Centre’s commissioned research program. Email for advice.
Concepts covering areas related to First Nations peoples, cultures and knowledges must demonstrate partnership and endorsement from relevant First Nations representatives, organisations and/or community members.
Projects are submitted initially as a concept before a fully developed project brief is prepared, using the Centre's project concept form. This allows the Centre to work collaboratively with the stakeholders to develop and agree on the final concept before a more detailed project brief is developed.
A concept form dated July 2024 is now available for download at the top right of this page. Please note that the July 2024 or January 2024 concept form must be used for this project concept round. Concepts submitted using previous versions, dated June 2023 or prior, will be required to resubmit using the current form before consideration.
The Centre will accept concept resubmissions only in the July or January 2024 concept forms. Concepts previously submitted require a current supporting letter signed by a Chief Executive, Commissioner or senior delegate stating the continued endorsement of the concept. For more information, contact the relevant state/territory Node Research Manager.
Project concepts must be submitted in the July 2024 or January 2024 concept form to Concept submissions are expected to be endorsed by the Participant’s Chief Executive or delegate, and state that by signing the concept submission form, the organisation intends to utilise the resulting project research findings. Endorsement and intention of utilisation should be secured prior to the submission round’s closing date.
A recording of an online stakeholder briefing covering the submission process, assessment prioritisation and high-priority research areas and frequently asked questions can be found below.
Any dates mentioned in this briefing should be disregarded, the information is current.
Project concepts will be prioritised for inclusion in the Centre’s research program based on the extent the concept addresses the following research criteria:
Concepts should include one or both: a) named supporting stakeholders or b) letters from additional organisations outlining a commitment to research translation and implementation.
For this current concept submission round the following areas are identified as high priority research areas (see more information in the Biennial Research Plan 2024-26):
Social equity, including vulnerabilities that impede people and communities to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural hazards
Land use planning and urban design, including building materials, as critical future natural hazard risk reduction activities
Project concepts that align with these high priority research areas are especially encouraged.
Project concepts are developed and then prioritised in a three-step process:
Step 1: Concept development (29 July – 13 September) Submitting Participants are encouraged to consult with their relevant Centre’s Node Research Manager for the development of their project concept. Please note, if draft concept feedback is required, please contact the relevant Node Research Manager prior to the date and time listed in the Key Dates section of this page.
Step 2: Prioritisation (September - October) A panel of Centre representatives will review project concepts against the prioritisation criteria and recommend concept proposals for funding. The panel may seek clarifications from secondary and supporting stakeholders during this step.
Step 3: Approval (October - November) Project concepts recommended for funding will be presented to the Centre’s Research and Implementation Committee for endorsement prior to seeking Board approval for funding.
Selection of research provider and Intellectual Property If your concept is approved for funding and proceeds to project development stage, selection of a research provider will occur consistent with the Centre’s policies, which includes provision for an open competitive expression of interest process. The Centre may use information provided in the concept submission form to develop expressions of interest. As such, submitting organisations must carefully consider any Intellectual Property ownership or interests included in the project concept submission. The Centre may also disclose information on the concept submission form to its advisors and subject matter experts.
For more information or assistance with developing a project concept, please contact or the Node Research Manager for your state or territory.