Development of a Safer Together Joint Research Strategy: Implementation Plan | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Development of a Safer Together Joint Research Strategy: Implementation Plan

Project type

Commissioned research

Project status

In progress

The Victorian Government Safer Together Program has employed a participative interagency approach to developing a Joint Research Strategy. The Strategy outlines key science investment areas across the themes of bushfire risk, predictive capability, ecosystem values, community partnering and bushfire operations capability.

This project will use Safer Together governance structures and sector consultation to develop an agreed prioritisation process, use a structured approach to identify priority projects and ensure the transition of research into effective practice. The benefit of this project is an agreed-upon, structured approach to implementing the Safer Together Joint Research Strategy.

Project details

A structured and strategic implementation plan is required to move from the strategy to achieving the vision of Our Future. The implementation plan requires clearly articulated internal structures, processes and support activities that will enable the creation of a collaborative learning culture that integrates scientific evidence into agency decision-making and practice.

The objective of this project is to develop a 10-year Implementation Plan with:

  • a research agenda that includes approaches for documenting and prioritising existing, planned and potential research projects along the pathways set out in the Joint Research Strategy
  • three draft briefs for further implementation plan sub-projects:
    • governance principles for conducting, contributing to and utilising research
    • a communications plan including an online platform for the dissemination of research projects, findings and utilisation activities
    • an evaluation framework to monitor and evaluate the Joint Research Strategy implementation progress.