Iain MacKenzie
Iain MacKenzie is the Independent Chair of Natural Hazards Research Australia, appointed in November 2022. Shaped by forty years in the Public Safety sector, Iain is passionate about improving outcomes for people and their communities and the need for policy to be based on sound evidence.
As Deputy Commissioner of Fire & Rescue Services, Queensland’s inaugural Inspector-General for Emergency Management, leading reviews into some of the nation’s largest natural hazards, and as Senior Advisor to the Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Iain has been at the centre of how emergency and disaster management has evolved over many years.
Iain is a long-term professional in the field, regularly dealing with all levels of government, the tertiary sector and serving on NFP boards.
Iain holds a master’s Degree in leadership and Management (Policing), is Professor of Practice in Disaster Management with Griffith University and is recognised for expertise in the fields of disaster management, disaster risk reduction and resilience building. Iain joined the Centre’s Board in September 2021.