cpickettheaps | Natural Hazards Research Australia

Dr Christopher Pickett-Heaps

Bureau of Meteorology


Dr Christopher Pickett-Heaps is a hydrologist working in the Hydrological Applications team in SIG-Research. Prior to this, Christopher was in the Water Models Team of SIG-R2O. Christopher has been with the Bureau since 2013. His primary role is a hydrological modeller, working to extend the capability of current water forecasting models and systems. Most recently, Christopher was the scientific lead of the SeTI project: Integrating seasonal streamflow forecasting with seasonal landscape forecasting. Prior to this, Christopher participated in the development and release of the Australian Water Outlook. Christopher has also contributed to the development of operational systems underpinning different water forecasting services.

Christopher was awarded a PhD from the University of Melbourne in earth-system modelling after studying in both Australia and France. Christopher then continued working in France before moving to Boston for two years as a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University. Christopher returned to Australia in 2010 to take a 3-year position at The CSIRO before joining the Bureau. Christopher is based in Canberra.